A Message from Vice President Vincent Alu
Re: Interim Business Manager
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
My name is Vincent Alu, and I am your current Vice President of Local 66. I hope this letter finds you rolling strong in 2024. With big changes coming to Local 66 this year, I felt it important to introduce myself as your interim Business Manager beginning April 1, 2024. This past year, the majority of our Executive Board voted to have me serve in the role of Assistant Business Manager as we began the transition from two decades of strong leadership under Steve Flanagan. During my 15 years as a proud member of Laborers Local 66, I have had the privilege to serve our great membership as an Apprentice, Shop Steward, Trainer, Organizer, Prevailing Wage Investigator, Dispatcher, Business Agent, Vice President, Assistant Business Manager and as a Trustee to our funds. Having worked directly alongside Steve Flanagan in these various roles, I am confident in my ability to lead our union for the remainder of his term.
Local 66 is a legendary Laborers Local Union Hall known coast to coast and beyond. We train and perform at a very high level, and our collective skillsets are as diverse and professional as any organized workforce in the country. On the outskirts of New York City, we have thrived for 80 years bringing to completion most of this Island’s landmark, institutional and commercial buildings. For generations we have built our communities and raised our families here. We’ve assisted in the recovery efforts after natural disasters and rebuilt after we cleaned up the mess. And when the whole world was shutting down during the pandemic, we showed up day after day, and built the facilities needed to meet the moment. We are truly essential in every meaning of the word, which is why this work and Local are sacred to me, and I am damn proud of every one of you.
My journey through Local 66 is one that many of us have walked. That is, through our nationally recognized apprenticeship program. In fact, on April 1, 2024, I will become the first graduate of Local 66’s apprenticeship program to ever have the honor to serve as Business Manager. I came to Local 66 at 39 years old. My son had just been born, my wife had serious health issues and my mortgage responsibilities were steep. I needed a shot at the middle-class as much as anyone, and it was this opportunity that changed my life. Our apprenticeship is not easy, and I’m incredibly proud of having come into the union this way, because it demanded the drive and determination I would need for whatever came next.
Being a part of a union is more than just a job. I consistently continued to train for all jobs and tasks, both in the field and in the office. As a certified Shop Steward, I took on any job I was asked to handle, from big concrete projects to cold weather details. From months of overnight shifts to very long days during the pandemic, I always showed up and I always watched the backs of the guys on my crews.
Beyond what we do in the field, I always wanted to give as much to my union as possible, which led me to become a trainer at Local 66, then an Eastern Region Organizer, our LECET representative handling prevailing wage investigations and legislative priorities, dispatcher in the hiring hall, eventually an Executive Board member and Vice President, as well as a Trustee on our funds. Most recently, I have been serving as a Business Agent, working hard to put everyone to work and defend our Shop Stewards. Needless to say, I have been blessed to experience every aspect of our union under the direct mentorship of Steve Flanagan and Joe Montalbano.
I was also guided by Business Agents Sal Speziale and Bobby English, learning how to successfully turn non-union projects into good job opportunities for our members time and time again. In years to come, when I reflect on the things I did proudly for this organization, Organizer will be near the top of the list. There is no greater feeling than creating jobs where there was nothing but resistance. I thank the men and women who fight alongside me. You are the tip of the spear, and we will keep fighting!
As an Instructor for LiUNA and the Local 66 Training Fund, and as a Greater NY LECET Field Representative, I gained invaluable experience. I became certified by the American National Standards Institute and trained with and for this membership in every area of our jurisdiction. I worked hard to create the first High School Pre-Apprenticeship program in New York State in partnership with Roosevelt High School, creating new job opportunities for retiring members while grooming our next generation of laborers directly out of high school.
I tirelessly pursued wage theft pirate contractors, and with our partners in law enforcement have built cases against those who are stealing our jobs. I also helped create OSHA 30 requirements on large construction sites through our local towns, requiring all workers to comply with our standards. Most importantly, I flipped countless jobs to our union through organizing, political power, compromise, and hard work.
Much like all of you, I have evolved throughout my years as a union laborer. However, it is what I have learned from leaders such as Steve Flanagan, and the Business Agents and Executive Board members which have preceded me that will guide me in the role of interim Business Manager. I am humbled by the confidence those of you have instilled in me to lead our great organization in the near term, and I am ready to work hard for each and every one of you. I want to be as accessible to our members as possible, so if you have any questions or input, please feel free to call me at 516-498-7621.
In Solidarity,
Vinny Alu
Vice President/Asst. Business Manager/Business Agent
Laborers Local Union 66